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控制 仪式高伤 弱化敌方




野菊的低语[木] 声音捕获


绿叶调 沉香 椴树花 柏树


67 21/64×40 35/64×8 21/32in.





初遇 我是门,一片微不足道的碎片,来自一块镜面。从本质上来说,我与我其他三千五百八十七片兄弟姐妹们并无区别,而与你相识,使我同他们不再相同。
I'm Door, an insignificant piece of a mirror. By nature I'm of no difference to my other 3587 siblings; but knowing you has made me different to them.
箱中气候 阴郁、沉闷,但也别被乌云遮了心。瞧瞧这个,你会感到好一些的。
Today is gloomy and somber enough as it is, don't let the cloud hang over you. Take a look at this, it may cheer you up.
致未来[信任达到10%解锁] 我破碎,我散落在我所在的地方。我将穿越日夜寻求真实,回到我出生的地方。噢,不对。不存在真实的时代,没错,不存在真实的时代……
When the mirror was shattered, I broke off and lay scattered at where I am now. I shall travel through days and nights to seek the truth, to return to where I was born. Oh, wait. There is no such era of truth. That's right. No era is true ...
孑立 嗯……确定无人。站直身姿,瞄准方向,开始旋转……咳咳,“飞镖正向十环进发!”
Em ... no one is here. Standing still, eyes on the target, start spinning ... Ahem, "the dart is going straight onto the bull's-eye!"
问候 你好,好奇的探索者。希望镜中的倒影能令你喜悦。
Hello, curious explorer. I hope what reflects in the mirror would bring you joy.
朝晨 清晨应当是我最低调的时刻。我得沉默,安静,就像是一面镜子,做好一面镜子——而现在,我只是一块儿碎片。你看,我很幸运,得以从映照他人的时刻中解脱出来。
Morning used to be the time when I had to keep a low profile. Spoke no words and took no actions, just to be good at being a mirror. But now, I'm merely a fragment of what I used to be. You see, I was lucky to be freed from the life-long duty to reflect others' images.
信任-朝晨[信任达到20%解锁] 海潮爬上沙滩、森林里的卡邦克鲁开始苏醒、曙光洒落大道……哪个镜中画面,能更好地愉悦你享用早餐的心情?
The tides coming to the shore, Carbuncles in the woods opening their sleepy eyes, or the first light of morning shedding on a city avenue ... Which one of the sceneries better brightens your mood while you enjoy your breakfast?
夜暮 飘浮的UFO台灯,沉默寡言的收音机,继承伟大血统的木马……这些都是真实存在的。在某一侧,某一处。他们如此雀跃,如此温实。
A floating UFO lamp, a radio unwilling to talk, a wooden horse comes from a great bloodline ... they are all real, living on the other side of the mirror, at somewhere under this sky. They are so lively, so honest and benign.
信任-夜暮[信任达到30%解锁] 试试卸下一天的重担,泡个舒畅的牛奶浴,脑袋空空。我保证,到了明天,肯定什么都难不住你。
Try ending your long day with a milk bath and clearing your mind in the tub. I promise, you will wake up feeling in top form in the next day.
帽檐与发鬓 我察觉到你在注视着我,如果此时,你尝试展露笑容,我也会同你展露笑容。
I can feel your eyes. Now, if you give off a smile, you'd find yourself being smiled at too.
袖与手 噢,请十分小心、小心,我不希望再有人因我而无谓地流血。
Oh, please be very, very careful. I don't wish to see more of the unnecessary bloodshed on any scale.
衣着与身形 你将在我的镜中看见你,而我也将在你的眼中瞧见我。
While you gaze your reflection in me, I gaze back and see my own reflection in your eyes.
嗜好[信任达到40%解锁] 世界上所有的框!虽然它们不为我所拥有,但仅是这种承载我们的存在,就深深迷住了我。
All these frames in the world! Although they don't belong to me, I'm deeply enchanted by their caring nature, or say, their carrying nature.
赞赏[信任达到50%解锁] “魔镜、魔镜,世界上最优秀的家伙在哪?”“噢,就在我面前。看吧,我正映照出优秀的品行与端正的姿态。”
"Mirror, mirror, who is the most exceptional one of all?" "Oh, this person is, right before me. Behold, the reflection of the embodiment of virtues and manners."
亲昵[信任达到60%解锁] 我很乐意映照你的面容,不管是休息时,还是认真工作时。这既是为了你,也是为了我自己。
It's my pleasure to reflect your look day and night, when you are resting and working. The companionship goes both ways.
闲谈Ⅰ 麻烦你,请将这张纸条贴在我背上。是的——是“此路不通”。我必须想些办法制止那些企图进入镜中世界的人,他们太疯狂了……
Sorry to bother you with this, but please attach this piece of note to my back. Yes—it says "no entry." I have to find a way to stop those fanatics from getting passed through me to that "world in the mirror."
闲谈Ⅱ 是的,以你喜欢的任何方式装点我。我想我能够适应许多色彩、闪亮的飘带或灼热的灯泡。在它们的衬托下,我不再锋利冰冷,而是充满了温馨与节日的气息。
Yes, please decorate me with the things you like. I think I can handle different colors, glittering ribbons, or some scorchingly warm lightbulbs. Having them around me would smooth my sharp edges and thaw my coldness, and give me a touch of warmth and festivity.
独白[信任达到70%解锁] 一面成熟的镜子,应该知道能倒映什么,不能倒映什么。
A sophisticated mirror would know what can be reflected and what cannot.
入队 噢,难不成……对手是气球吗?
Oh, are we fighting ... balloons?
战前 敌人的敌人,正是镜中的敌人。
My enemy is fighting their enemy's enemy.
择选咒语Ⅰ 小心“锋利”。
Mind the shards.
择选咒语Ⅱ 没门儿。
No way, the door says.
择选高阶咒语 这很有诗意,对吧。
This is poetic, don't you think?
择选至终的仪式 完璧与否,皆为表象。
Wholeness is only a matter on the surface.
释放神秘术Ⅰ 眼见并非为实。
Sometimes, seeing is not believing.
Hidding within the cracks.
释放神秘术Ⅱ 折射的秘密。
The secret of reflection.
The reader of the light.
召唤至终的仪式 我看到了——亿万个太阳!
I see—a million suns!
受敌Ⅰ 别担心。
Worry not.
受敌Ⅱ *碎裂声*
战斗胜利 他们“亲眼”见证了自己的失败……这并非我的本意。
They have witnessed their failure with their own eyes ... though it was too cruel to be my intention.
洞悉[洞悉后解锁] 镜中景象正成为现实……或许如此。
The view in the mirror has become the reality ... or it seems that way.







标签: 重返未来:1999


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