CheckPlayerDoorsCompares the Tracked Player path with the quest target path.
SetInChargenToggles aspects of Chargen Mode on/off [savingDisabled] [waitingDisabled][activationMessageDisabled]
ForceResetForce the game to run a full reset.
ForceCloseFilesClose masterfile and plugins. Useful for letting CreationKit save to a plugin that is also loaded in-game. See also HotLoadPlugin. [Caution: Use at own risk! Gameplay and new savegames may be unstable.]
HotLoadPlugin (HLP)Load or reload the named plugin. Useful for getting changes without restarting. See also ForceCloseFiles. [Caution: Use at own risk! Modified running quests will be stopped (and restarted if possible). Gameplay and new savegames may be unstable.]
GenerateBendableSpline (Spline)Generate a bendable spline geometry instance.
Reload ()Reloads the specified Papyrus script.
TestAimTest an actor's aim.
TestLookTest an actor's looking.
PushCameraPush camera to editor.
MoveToEditorCameraMove to the editor camera.
MoveToEditorSelectionMove to the editor selection.
PlaceFurnitureTester (PFT)Place actor, who will use the selected furniture. Can specify actor type via optional parameter.
DumpConditionsFunctionsOutput the current counters for condition function calls.
ReloadAnimationGraphsReload the currently loaded animation graphs.
ToggleWeaponOverlayToggle the weapon overlay.
ForceDetectForces the selected actor to detect the specified actor.
ChangeAnimArchetype (caa)Change the selected actor's anim archetype.
ChangeAnimFlavorChange the selected actor's animal flavor.
SetAngryWithPlayerSet the angry with player flag.
ForceRepathForce the actor to repath.
ForcePathFailureForce the actor's path to fail.
DumpFormListDump the contens of given formlist to the console output.
TraceAnimationEventsTrace an actor's animation events.
ShowModsShow all property mods on an object.
DumpInputEnableLayersDumps all currently used input enable layers to the console.
AttachModAttach a mod to an object.
RemoveModRemove a mod from an object.
SpawnTemplatedObjectSpawn a ref to a templated object.[object, ilevel, pkeyword1, pkeyword2]
CallFunctionCalls a papyrus function on the targeted ref. First parameter is the function, the rest are parameters.
CallQuestFunction (cqf)Calls a papyrus function on a quest. Second parameter is the function, the rest are parameters.
CallGlobalFunction (cgf)Calls a global papyrus function. First parameter is the function, the rest are parameters.
ResetInputEnableLayerResets all control disables on a specific input enable layer.
ForceEnablePlayerControls (fepc)Force-enables the player's controls, regardless of layers, see EnablePlayerControls.
ResetForceEnabledPlayerControlsResets all force-enabled player controls.
GetActorRefOwnerPrints the owner of the currently selected reference.
SetActorRefOwner (saro)Sets ownership of the currently selected reference to the specified actor (or if not actor is specified, to the player).
HasActorRefOwner (haro)Returns 1 if the currently selected reference has an owner, or 0 otherwise.
SetOutfitChange the default outfit for the actor.
PassTimePasses the given number of hours asif the player were sleeping.
LinkLocationsLinks two locations under the given keyword.
ShowLinkedLocationsOutputs all locations linked to the given one under the given keyword.
SetLinkedRefLinks the current ref to the given one under the given keyword.
ResetContainerResets the currently selected container, or if you specify "1", then it'll reset all containers.
SetSceneForDebugSets the current debug scene.
PreloadExteriorPreloads the exterior data for the currently selected ref.
TestPathDebug function to test a path.
ToggleControlsOverlyToggle Controls Overlay
RefreshRebug function to refresh a reference.
DynamicResolutionChange the dynamic resolution settings.
TestLoadingMenuDebug function to open/close the Loading menu in the Loading thread.
RecalcInstanceDataDebug function recalc instance data for the selected ref or all loaded refs if nothing is selected.
ToggleReferencePoseRoggles forcing an animgraph for the selected actor to be in the reference pose. May specify "target" or "rig" as well.
SetPersistLocationDebug function to set the persist loc on reference.
SetLocationRefTypeDebug function to set the loc ref type for a location on a reference.
ShowLocDataDebug function to dump data about a location.
ReserveLocDebug function to reserve a location so it can't be used for most aliases.
UpdateAwakeSound (UAS)Update the selected actor's currentl conscious loop.
SetHarvestedMark the current reference as Harvested or not.
PauseScenePause or unpause the specified scene.
SpawnDupeMake a duplicate ref of the selected ref.
DisableDistantReferencesDisable references more than a certain distance from the selected ref.
FireAssertFire an assert (with text passed, if available).
ForcePersistentForce a reference to become persistent.
PlayActionCamera (pac)Play this action camera on the reference with target reference.
StopActionCameraStop the action camera.
ChangeStanceChange the actor's stance.
AuditionWwiseEventSet of commands for auditioning Wwise events.
AuditionReverbForm (arf)Force a given Reverb form to be active.
SetWwiseState (sws)Sets a global Wwise State
BuildAnimationData (bad)Build the animation data for the actor.
SwitchSkeletonToggles between standard and chargen skeletons for an actor.
GetHelloorGreeting ()Prints out the info id for actiors hello/greeting to actor param. One of these should be the player.
SetBoneTintRegionAdd bone tint data to an object's 3d given a region ID (integer) of that object.
SendDialogueEventSends a dialogue event for the selected and target actor.
SetForceSpeechChallengeAlwaysSucceed ()player will always succeed at speech challenge.
SetForceSpeechChallengeAlwaysFail ()player will always fail at speech challenge.
RunMaterialsAnalysis (rma)Compares the materials of the selected reference.
CaptureMessages ()Captures DebugString, USER1 and USER2 messages using a Message Event Listener and sends the outout to CaptureMessage.Iua
ToggleTrijuiceToggles Trijuicing in the renderer (may slightly degrade texture filtering quality in exchange for improved performance).
SetPresentThreshold (spt)Set percentage (0-100) of scanlines covered before swap threshold is hit: default 0 (always swap)
LinkFullAccountLink full Bnet account to game-account: (username) (password)
IsLoggedIn (isonline)Is the player logged in to
GetLegalDocs (getlegaldocs)Retrieves a list of all required legal documents.
AcceptLegalDocAccepts a legal document based on its ID: acceptlegaldoc (id)
GetDataAttachmentPrints data from Profile Data Attachment: getattachment (type) (id)
DeleteDataAttachmentDeletes a Profile Data Attachment: deleteattachment (type) (id)
UploadCharacterDataUploads character data playload as bnet Profile Data Attachment.
星空Starfield第三人称视角怎么切换 第三人称视角切换方式
星空Starfield第三人称视角怎么切换 第三人称视角切换方式,在星空Starfield游戏中,第三人称视角玩家应该怎么切换呢?很多玩家还不太清楚,小编整理了相关的内容,一起去看看吧!
以上就是小编整理的“星空Starfield第三人称视角怎么切换 第三人称视角切换方式”的全部内容,想要了解更多的手机游戏攻略或者软件教程,可以关注本站,每天都会实时更新一些有价值的内容,希望大家喜欢。
星空Starfield控制台代码有什么 星空Starfield代码大全
星空Starfield控制台代码有什么 星空Starfield代码大全,星空Starfield所有代码都是什么呢?很多玩家还不太清楚,小编整理了相关的内容,一起去看看吧!
tgm 上帝模式
tcl 关闭碰撞
tai 关ai
player.additem 0000000f [#] 加钱
player.additem 0000000a [#] 加开锁器
player.setav carryweight [#] 改负重
player.setlevel [#] 升级
player.setav health [#] 设血量
sexchange 改性别.但实际效果好像是恢复人物默认外观?
tm 关ui
tfc 自由镜头
kill 选一个干掉
killall 干掉所有人
resurrect 复活
tmm 1 全图标点?
tcai 切换战斗ai为被动模式
player.setav speedmult [#] 加速,后面是百分比,100是原速度
psb 点亮所有的技能?
help+关键词 是查询物品id 然后可以给player.additem用
movetoqt 传送
player.additem 0000ABF9 # 加医疗包
tdetect 关闭ai监测,隐身
help “search term” (filter number) (form type) 搜索可以加条件
filter过滤器是从 0 到 4 的数字,对应方式如下
0: All results 所有结果
1: Functions (commands and scripts)函数(命令和脚本)
2: Settings 设置
3: Globals 全局变量
4: Other (item codes and stuff is in here) 其他(物品代码和东西都在这里)
saq 开启所有任务(小心坏档)
caqs 完成所有任务(危险)
tmm 1 这个好像是永久的
player.modav experience 10000 加经验 不要乱升级,敌人好像是动态等级,太高可能武器刮沙
player.removeperk 增删技能perk
tim 不朽模式 和tgm类似 区别:
player.resethealth 回血
ShowLooksMenu Player 1 重设外观
player.placeatme (ID) 1 生成武器,太空服,物品 和additem命令类似,additem会直接进库存
(Ref ID).amod (OMOD ID) 武器加模组
(Ref ID).rmod (OMOD ID) 武器减模组
player.paycrimegold 0 0 (Faction ID) 清除赏金 后面是派系id
player.addperk 这个命令除了技能还能加背景和特质
showmenu sleepwaitmenu 调用休息菜单
002BF65B = AA-99 步枪 物理17
0026D965 = Arc Welder 电弧电焊 重型 能量16
0026D964 = AutoRivet 自动钉枪 重型 物理100
0004716C = Beowulf 贝奥武夫 步枪 物理36
0026D963 = Big Bang 大爆炸 粒子束霰弹 物理32 能量94
000547A3 = Breach 侵袭 霰弹 物理99
0026D96A = Bridger 桥接器 重型127
0026D96B = Coachman 马车夫 霰弹 物理52
00016758 = Cutter 切割器 重型 能量4
0018DE2C = Drum Beat 鼓点 步枪 物理8
002F413A = Discarded Sidestar 被丢弃的侧星 手枪 物理12
0026D96E = Ecliptic Pistol 黄道佣兵团手枪 物理35
000476C4 = Eon 万古 手枪 物理10
0001BC4F = Equinox 二分点 激光步枪 能量13
00028A02 = Grendel 格伦德尔 步枪 物理3
00546CC = Hard Target 硬核目标 步枪 物理116
00253A16 = Kodama 木灵 步枪 物理13
0021FEB4 = Kraken 海怪 手枪 物理3
0002D7F4 = Lawgiver 执法者 步枪 物理31
002984DF = Maelstrom 漩涡 步枪 物理4
0002EB3C = Mag Shear 磁能剪 步枪 物理10
00023606 = MagPulse 磁脉冲 步枪 物理71
0002EB42 = MagShot 磁能弹 步枪 物理53
0002EB45 = MagSniper 磁能狙击步枪 步枪 物理223
0026035E = MagStorm 电磁风暴 重型 物理9
000546CD = Microgun 微型炮 重型 物理9
0026D968 = Novablast Disputor 新星爆炸裂解枪 电磁步枪 电磁100
0026D967 = Novalight 新星之光 粒子束手枪 物理8能量25
0026ED2A = Old Earth Assult Rifle 旧地球突击步枪 步枪 物理15
0021BBCD = Old Earth Hunting Rifle 旧地球狩猎步枪 步枪 物理30
00278F74 = Old Earth Shotgun 旧地球霰弹枪 霰弹 物理73
002773C8 = Orion 俄里翁 激光步枪 能量27
0026D966 = Osmium Dagger 锇匕首 近战 物理28
002953F8 = Pacifier 安抚者 霰弹 物理59
00040826 = Rattler 响尾蛇 手枪 物理10
00000FD6 = Razorback 剃刀 手枪 物理51
0002CB5F = Regulator 调节器 手枪 物理35
0004F760 = Rescue Axe 救援斧 近战 物理17
0026D960 = Shotty 霰弹枪 霰弹 物理50
0026D95D = Sidestar 侧星 手枪 物理12
0026D961 = Solstice 至日 激光手枪 能量10
0002EB36 = Tombstone 墓碑 步枪 物理19
0026D96D = Urban Eagle 城市雄鹰 手枪 物理39
0026D8A0 = VaRuun Inflictor 瓦鲁打击着 粒子束步枪 物理38能量113
0026D8A1 = 胁差 近战 物理49
0026D8A2 = VaRuun Painblade 瓦鲁痛之刃 近战 物理90
0026D8A4 = VaRuun Starshard 瓦鲁碎星者 粒子束手枪 物理26能量80
0026D8A3 = 日式短刀 近战 物理40
00065925 = Incendiary Experimental Nishina Spacesuit (Legendary)
00065925 = 燃烧实验仁科宇航服(传奇)
0007B2B9 = Sentinel's UC Antixeno Spacesuit (Legendary)
0007B2B9 = Sentinel 的 UC Antixeno 宇航服(传奇)
0022B8F6 = Repulsing Explorer Spacesuit (Epic)
0022B8F6 = 排斥探索者太空服(史诗)
0013F97D = Peacemaker Spacesuit (Rare)
0013F97D = 和平缔造者宇航服(稀有)
00/228570 = Bounty Hunter Spacesuit
00/228570 = 赏金猎人宇航服
001E2B18 = Constellation Spacesuit
001E2B18 = 星座太空服
000/5278E = Deep Mining Spacesuit
000/5278E = 深采矿宇航服
00/2265AE = Deep Recon Spacesuit
00/2265AE = 深度侦察宇航服
0006AC00 = Deepcore Spacesuit
0006AC00 = 深核太空服
0016D2C4 = Deepseeker Spacesuit
0016D2C4 = Deepseeker 宇航服
00026BF1 = Deimos Spacesuit
00026BF1 = 火卫二太空服
0022856F = Ecliptic Spacesuit
0022856F = 黄道宇航服
002265AF = Explorer Spacesuit
002265AF = 探索者太空服
00257809 = Gran-Gran's Spacesuit
00257809 = 老奶奶的宇航服
002392B5 = Ground Crew Spacesuit
002392B5 = 地勤人员宇航服
00226299 = Mantis Spacesuit
00226299 = 螳螂太空服
0001754D = Mark I Spacesuit
0001754D = Mark I 宇航服
001D0F96 = Mercury Spacesuit
001D0F96 = 水星宇航服
00225FC9 = Monster Costume
00225FC9 = 怪物服装
00067C94 = Navigator Spacesuit
00067C94 = 导航员宇航服
0003084E = Old Earth Spacesuit
0003084E = 旧地球太空服
00066821 = Pirate Assault Spacesuit
00066821 = 海盗突击太空服
00066826 = Pirate Charger Spacesuit
00066826 = 海盗战马太空服
00066828 = Pirate Corsair Spacesuit
00066828 = 海盗船太空服
0006682A = Pirate Sniper Spacesuit
0006682A = 海盗狙击手宇航服
00227CA0 = Ranger Spacesuit
00227CA0 = 游骑兵太空服
002265AD = Shocktroop Spacesuit
002265AD = 突击队太空服
0021C780 = Space Trucker Spacesuit
0021C780 = 太空卡车司机太空服
00004E78 = Star Roamer Spacesuit
00004E78 = 星际漫游者宇航服
0012E187 = Starborn Spacesuit Astra
0012E187 = Starborn 宇航服 Astra
001CBA52 = Starborn Spacesuit Avitus
001CBA52 = Starborn 宇航服 Avitus
001CBA4E = Starborn Spacesuit Bellum
001CBA4E = Starborn 宇航服贝鲁姆
0021C77E = Starborn Spacesuit Gravitas
0021C77E = Starborn 宇航服 Gravitas
001CBA4A = Starborn Spacesuit Locus
001CBA4A = Starborn 宇航服轨迹
001CBA49 = Starborn Spacesuit Materia
001CBA49 = Starborn 宇航服本草
002D7365 = Starborn Spacesuit Solis
002D7365 = Starborn 宇航服索利斯
002D7346 = Starborn Spacesuit Tempus
002D7346 = Starborn 宇航服 Tempus
001CBA4D = Starborn Spacesuit Tenebris
001CBA4D = Starborn 宇航服特内布里斯
0021C77F = Starborn Spacesuit Venator
0021C77F = Starborn宇航服Venator
002AAF44 = SysDef Ace Spacesuit
002AAF44 = SysDef Ace 宇航服
00398104 = SysDef Assault Spacesuit
00398104 = SysDef 突击太空服
0039810A = SysDef Combat Spacesuit
0039810A = SysDef 战斗太空服
00398108 = SysDef Sec Recon Spacesuit
00398108 = SysDef Sec 侦察宇航服
00398103 = SysDef Spacesuit
00398103 = SysDef 宇航服
00166404 = Trackers Alliance Spacesuit
00166404 = 追踪者联盟宇航服
00166410 = UC Ace Spacesuit
00166410 = UC Ace 宇航服
00257808 = UC Combat Spacesuit
00257808 = UC 战斗太空服
00257805 = UC Marine Spacesuit
00257805 = UC 海洋太空服
000EF9B0 = UC Sec Combat Spacesuit
000EF9B0 = UC Sec 战斗宇航服
000EF9AF = UC Sec Recon Spacesuit
000EF9AF = UC Sec 侦察宇航服
000EF9AE = UC Sec Starlaw Spacesuit
000EF9AE = 加州大学第二分校 Starlaw 宇航服
000EF9AD = UC Security Spacesuit
000EF9AD = UC 安全宇航服
00257809 = UC Startroop Spacesuit
00257809 = UC Startroop 宇航服
0021A86A = UC Urbanwar Spacesuit
0021A86A = UC Urbanwar 宇航服
00248C0F = UC Vanguard Spacesuit
00248C0F = UC Vanguard 宇航服
0025780A = UC Wardog Spacesuit
0025780A = UC Wardog 宇航服
00227CA3 = Va'Ruun Spacesuit
00227CA3 = Va'Ruun 宇航服
.27 Caliber .27口径 002B559C
.43 MI Array .43 MI 阵列 002B559A
.43 Ultramag .43 超磁磁 02B5599
.45 Caliber ACP .45 口径 ACP 002B5598
.50 Caliber Caseless .50 口径 无壳 002B5597
.50 MI Array .50 MI 阵列 002B5596
1.5KV LZR Cartridges 1.5KV LZR 墨盒 002BAE3F
11MM Caseless 11MM 无壳 002B5595
12.5MM ST Rivet 12.5MM ST 铆钉 002B5594 002B5594
12G Shotgun Shell 12G霰弹枪弹壳 000547A1
15X25 CLL Shotgun Shell 15X25 CLL 霰弹枪弹壳 002B4AFB
3KV LZR Cartridge 3KV LZR 墨盒 0000E8EC
40MM XPL 002B5592 002B5592
6.5MM CT 6.5MMCT 002B5590 002B5590
6.5MM MI Array 6.5MM MI阵列 002B558F
7.5MM Whitehot 7.5MM白热 002B558E
7.62x39MM 002B558D
7.77MM Caseless 7.77MM 无壳 0004AD3E
9x39MM 002B559B
Caseless Shotgun Shell 无壳霰弹枪外壳 002B4AFB
Heavy Particle Fuse 重粒子保险丝 002B558A 002B558A
Light Particle Fuse 轻粒子引信 002783C7 002783C7
Crimson Fleet 深红舰队 00010B30
Neon / Ryujin Industries 霓虹灯/龙神工业 0026FDEA
United Colonies 联合殖民地 0005BD93
Freestar Collective 自由星集体 000638E5
Boxing 拳击 002C59DF
Fitness 健康 002CE2DD
Stealth 隐身 002CFCB2
Weight Lifting 举重 002C59D9
Wellness 健康 002CE2E1
Energy Weapon Dissipation能量武器耗散 002C59E2
Environmental Conditioning环境调节 0028AE17
Gymnastics 体操 0028AE29
Nutrition 营养 002CFCAD
Pain Tolerance 疼痛耐受性 002CFCAE
Cellular Regeneration 细胞再生 0028AE14
Decontamination 去污 002CE2A0
Martial Arts 武术 002C5554
Concealment 隐蔽性 002C555E
Neurostrikes 神经打击 002C53B4
Rejuvenation 复兴 0028AE13
Commerce 商业 002C5A8E
Gastronomy 美食 002C5A94
Persuasion 劝说 0022EC82
Scavenging 拾荒 0028B853
Theft 盗窃 002C555B
Deception 欺骗 002CFCAF
Diplomacy 外交 002C59E1
Intimidation 恐吓 002C59DE
Isolation 隔离 002C53AE
Negotiation 谈判 002C555F
Instigation 教唆 002C555D
Leadership 领导 002C890D
Outpost Management 前哨管理 0023826F
Manipulation 操纵 002C5555
Ship Command 舰船指挥部 002C53B3
Xenosociology 异种社会学 002C53B0
Ballistics 弹道学 002CFCAB
Dueling 决斗 002CFCB0
Lasers 激光器 002C59DD
Pistol Certification 手枪认证 002080FF
Shotgun Certification 猎枪认证 0027DF97
Demolitions 拆除 002C5556
Heavy Weapons Certification重型武器认证 00147E38 00147E38
Incapacitation 丧失行为能力 0027DF96
Particle Beams 粒子束 0027BAFD
Rifle Certification 步枪认证 002CE2E0
Marksmanship 枪法 002C890B
Rapid Reloading 快速装弹 002C555A
Sniper Certification 狙击手认证 002C53B1
Targeting 瞄准 002C59DA
Armor Penetration 护甲穿透 0027DF94
Crippling 致残 0027CBBA
Sharpshooting 神枪手 002C53AF
Astrodynamics 天体动力学 002C5560
Geology 地质学 002CE29F
Medicine 药品 002CE2DF
Research Methods 研究方法 002C555C
Surveying 测量 0027CBC1
Botany 植物学 002C5557
Scanning 扫描 002CFCB1
Spacesuit Design 宇航服设计 0027CBC3
Weapon Engineering 武器工程 002C890C
Zoology 动物学 002C5552
Astrophysics 天体物理学 0027CBBB
Chemistry 化学 002CE2C0
Outpost Engineering 前哨工程 002C59E0
Aneutronic Fusion 非中子聚变 002C2C5A
Planetary Habitation 行星栖息地 0027CBC2
Special Projects 特别项目 0004CE2D
Ballistic Weapon Systems 弹道武器系统 002CE2C2
Boost Pack Training 增强包训练 00146C2C
Piloting 驾驶 002CFCAC
Security 安全 002CE2E2
Targeting Control Systems目标控制系统 002C5559
Energy Weapon Systems 能源武器系统 002C59DB
Engine Systems 发动机系统 002CE2DE
Payloads 有效载荷 00222F84
Shield Systems 屏蔽系统 002C2C59
Missile Weapon Systems 导弹武器系统 002C5558
Particle Beam Weapon Systems粒子束武器系统 002C2C5B
Robotics 机器人技术 002C5553 002C5553
Starship Design 星舰设计 002C59DC
Starship Engineering 星舰工程 002AC953
Automated Weapon Systems 自动武器系统 0027B9ED
Boost Assault Training 加强突击训练 0008C3EE 0008C3EE
EM Weapon Systems 电磁武器系统 002C53B2
Alien DNA 外星DNA 00227FDA
Dream Home 梦想家园 00227FDF
Empath 移情 00227FD6
Extrovert 外向 00227FD7
Freestar Collective Settler自由星集体定居者 00227FD5
Hero Worshipped 英雄崇拜 00227FD9
Introvert 内向者 00227FD8
Kid Stuff 儿童用品 00227FDE
Neon Street Rat 霓虹街老鼠 00227FD3
Raised Enlightened 提高开明 00227FD2
Raised Universal 凸起通用 00227FD1
Serpent's Embrace 蛇之拥抱 00227FD0
Spaced 间隔 00227FE2
Taskmaster 监工 00227FE0
Terra Firma 泰丰玛 00227FE1
United Colonies Native 联合殖民地原住民 00227FD4
Wanted 通缉 00227FDD
Beast Hunter 野兽猎人 0022EC76
Bouncer 保镖 0022EC81
Bounty Hunter 赏金猎人 0022EC80
Chef 厨师 0022EC7F
Combat Medic 战斗医疗兵 0022EC7E
Cyber Runner 赛博跑者 0022EC7D
Cyberneticist 控制论学家 0022EC7C
Diplomat 外交官 0022EC7B
Explorer 探险家 0022EC79
Gangster 流氓 0022EC78
Homesteader 自耕农 0022EC77
Industrialist 实业家 0022EC7A
Long Hauler 长拖车 0022EC75
Pilgrim 朝圣 0022EC73
Professor 教授 0022EC72
Ronin 浪人 0022EC74
Sculptor 雕塑家 0022EC71
Soldier 士兵 0022EC70
Space Scoundrel 太空恶棍 0022EC6F
Xenobiologist 外星生物学家 0022EC6E
File Not Found 文件未找到 002DFD1A
0010A25D Armor-Plated UC AntiXeno Pack (Legendary)
0001754E Mark 1 Pack
0021A86C UC Shock Power Pack
00065926 Reactive Experimental Nishina Helmet (Legendary)
0010A25E Incendiary UC AntiXeno Space Helmet
0013F97B Peacemaker Space Helmet
0001754F Mark I Space Helmet
001F22BC Gran-Gran's Space Helmet
其他代码:ShowHighMaxHeights (shmh) Shows or hides the high res max height data.
EnableStoryManagerLogging Enable story manager logging.
DumpPapyrusStacks (dps) Dumps all Papyrus stack information the log.
DumpPapyrusTimers Dumps all Papyrus timer registrations to the log.
DumpPapyrusLOSEvents Dumps all Papyrus LOS event registrations to the log.
DumpPapyrusDistanceEvents Dumps all Papyrus distance event registrations to the log.
DumpPapyrusPersistenceInfo (dppi) Dumps everything in Papyrus persisting the reference called on, or passed.
DumpPapyrusEventRegistrations Dumps all Papyrus event registrations for the specified object (and script).
RunCompaction Run a pass of compaction if possible.
ToggleImmortalMode Toggle Immortal mode (health/stamina/magicka can decrease but never go to zero).
SetSubgraphToDebug Subgraph To Debug.
EnableRumble Enables / Disables rumble.
HavokVDBCapture Havok VDB Capture
ToggleNavmeshInfo Toggle a view mode similar to the map camera and displays navmesh infos.
PlaySyncAnim Play Sync Anim.
SetFormKnown Sets the known flag on a form.
SetDebugQuest Sets the quest to be the only one startable from its event type.
SetQuestAliasLogging Turns alias logging on/off for a quest.
SetRace Sets the passed in actor's race.
FindForm (find) Find a form.
StartPapyrusScriptProfile (StartPSP) Starts profiling a Papyrus script.
StopPapyrusScriptProfile (StopPSP) Stops profiling a Papyrus script.
StartPapyrusFormProfile (StartPFP) Starts profiling Papyrus scripts on a form.
StopPapyrusFormProfile (StopPFP) Stops profiling Papyrus scripts on a form.
StartPapyrusStackRootProfile Starts profiling all Papyrus stacks starting at a script.
StopPapyrusStackRootProfile Stops profiling all Papyrusstacks starting at a script.
TogglePapyrusGlobalProfiler (TPGP) Toggles Papyrus global profiling on and off (profiles everything)
PrintQuestSceneInfo Prints to the Quest Inf file the current state of scenes.
IsInvulnerable Is the actor invulnerable?
CollisionMesh Toggle Mesh Collision Info
HavokWorldStep (hkstep) Toggle BhkWorld Havok Step Info
IsolateRendering Enable isolated rendering for selected object.
ToggleWaterCurrentGeometry Displays or hides water current geometry.
PerformAction Performs the specified action on the selected actor.
StartTrackPlayerDoors Starts tracking palyer-activiated teleport doors.
StopTrackPlayerDoors Stops tracking player-activated teleport doors.
CheckPlayerDoors Compares the Tracked Player path with the quest target path.
SetInChargen Toggles aspects of Chargen Mode on/off [savingDisabled] [waitingDisabled][activationMessageDisabled]
ForceReset Force the game to run a full reset.
ForceCloseFiles Close masterfile and plugins. Useful for letting CreationKit save to a plugin that is also loaded in-game. See also HotLoadPlugin. [Caution: Use at own risk! Gameplay and new savegames may be unstable.]
HotLoadPlugin (HLP) Load or reload the named plugin. Useful for getting changes without restarting. See also ForceCloseFiles. [Caution: Use at own risk! Modified running quests will be stopped (and restarted if possible). Gameplay and new savegames may be unstable.]
GenerateBendableSpline (Spline) Generate a bendable spline geometry instance.
Reload () Reloads the specified Papyrus script.
TestAim Test an actor's aim.
TestLook Test an actor's looking.
PushCamera Push camera to editor.
MoveToEditorCamera Move to the editor camera.
MoveToEditorSelection Move to the editor selection.
PlaceFurnitureTester (PFT) Place actor, who will use the selected furniture. Can specify actor type via optional parameter.
DumpConditionsFunctions Output the current counters for condition function calls.
ReloadAnimationGraphs Reload the currently loaded animation graphs.
ToggleWeaponOverlay Toggle the weapon overlay.
ForceDetect Forces the selected actor to detect the specified actor.
ChangeAnimArchetype (caa) Change the selected actor's anim archetype.
ChangeAnimFlavor Change the selected actor's animal flavor.
SetAngryWithPlayer Set the angry with player flag.
ForceRepath Force the actor to repath.
ForcePathFailure Force the actor's path to fail.
DumpFormList Dump the contens of given formlist to the console output.
TraceAnimationEvents Trace an actor's animation events.
ShowMods Show all property mods on an object.
DumpInputEnableLayers Dumps all currently used input enable layers to the console.
AttachMod Attach a mod to an object.
RemoveMod Remove a mod from an object.
SpawnTemplatedObject Spawn a ref to a templated object.[object, ilevel, pkeyword1, pkeyword2]
CallFunction Calls a papyrus function on the targeted ref. First parameter is the function, the rest are parameters.
CallQuestFunction (cqf) Calls a papyrus function on a quest. Second parameter is the function, the rest are parameters.
CallGlobalFunction (cgf) Calls a global papyrus function. First parameter is the function, the rest are parameters.
ResetInputEnableLayer Resets all control disables on a specific input enable layer.
ForceEnablePlayerControls (fepc) Force-enables the player's controls, regardless of layers, see EnablePlayerControls.
ResetForceEnabledPlayerControls Resets all force-enabled player controls.
GetActorRefOwner Prints the owner of the currently selected reference.
SetActorRefOwner (saro) Sets ownership of the currently selected reference to the specified actor (or if not actor is specified, to the player).
HasActorRefOwner (haro) Returns 1 if the currently selected reference has an owner, or 0 otherwise.
SetOutfit Change the default outfit for the actor.
PassTime Passes the given number of hours asif the player were sleeping.
LinkLocations Links two locations under the given keyword.
ShowLinkedLocations Outputs all locations linked to the given one under the given keyword.
SetLinkedRef Links the current ref to the given one under the given keyword.
ResetContainer Resets the currently selected container, or if you specify "1", then it'll reset all containers.
SetSceneForDebug Sets the current debug scene.
PreloadExterior Preloads the exterior data for the currently selected ref.
TestPath Debug function to test a path.
ToggleControlsOverly Toggle Controls Overlay
Refresh Rebug function to refresh a reference.
DynamicResolution Change the dynamic resolution settings.
TestLoadingMenu Debug function to open/close the Loading menu in the Loading thread.
RecalcInstanceData Debug function recalc instance data for the selected ref or all loaded refs if nothing is selected.
ToggleReferencePose Roggles forcing an animgraph for the selected actor to be in the reference pose. May specify "target" or "rig" as well.
SetPersistLocation Debug function to set the persist loc on reference.
SetLocationRefType Debug function to set the loc ref type for a location on a reference.
ShowLocData Debug function to dump data about a location.
ReserveLoc Debug function to reserve a location so it can't be used for most aliases.
UpdateAwakeSound (UAS) Update the selected actor's currentl conscious loop.
SetHarvested Mark the current reference as Harvested or not.
PauseScene Pause or unpause the specified scene.
SpawnDupe Make a duplicate ref of the selected ref.
DisableDistantReferences Disable references more than a certain distance from the selected ref.
FireAssert Fire an assert (with text passed, if available).
ForcePersistent Force a reference to become persistent.
PlayActionCamera (pac) Play this action camera on the reference with target reference.
StopActionCamera Stop the action camera.
ChangeStance Change the actor's stance.
AuditionWwiseEvent Set of commands for auditioning Wwise events.
AuditionReverbForm (arf) Force a given Reverb form to be active.
SetWwiseState (sws) Sets a global Wwise State
BuildAnimationData (bad) Build the animation data for the actor.
SwitchSkeleton Toggles between standard and chargen skeletons for an actor.
GetHelloorGreeting () Prints out the info id for actiors hello/greeting to actor param. One of these should be the player.
SetBoneTintRegion Add bone tint data to an object's 3d given a region ID (integer) of that object.
SendDialogueEvent Sends a dialogue event for the selected and target actor.
SetForceSpeechChallengeAlwaysSucceed () player will always succeed at speech challenge.
SetForceSpeechChallengeAlwaysFail () player will always fail at speech challenge.
RunMaterialsAnalysis (rma) Compares the materials of the selected reference.
CaptureMessages () Captures DebugString, USER1 and USER2 messages using a Message Event Listener and sends the outout to CaptureMessage.Iua
ToggleTrijuice Toggles Trijuicing in the renderer (may slightly degrade texture filtering quality in exchange for improved performance).
SetPresentThreshold (spt) Set percentage (0-100) of scanlines covered before swap threshold is hit: default 0 (always swap)
LinkFullAccount Link full Bnet account to game-account: (username) (password)
IsLoggedIn (isonline) Is the player logged in to
GetLegalDocs (getlegaldocs) Retrieves a list of all required legal documents.
AcceptLegalDoc Accepts a legal document based on its ID: acceptlegaldoc (id)
GetDataAttachment Prints data from Profile Data Attachment: getattachment (type) (id)
DeleteDataAttachment Deletes a Profile Data Attachment: deleteattachment (type) (id)
UploadCharacterData Uploads character data playload as bnet Profile Data Attachment.
GetAttachmentLeaderboard (getattachmentleaderboard) Gets attachment leaderboard page: getattachmentleaderboard (attachment type) (leaderboard type)
LoadUnitedData Gets character data from leadersboard and caches it.
MakeUnityNPC Updates NPC with data from unity cache.
SetVolumetricLighting Parameters (vl) Set volumetric lighting parameters.
StartWorkshop (workshop) Enter Workshop mode if the player is within the buildable area of a Workshop.
ToggleVBlankOptim Toggles VBlank optim
AddKeyword Add the given keyword to the reference
RemoveKeyword Remove the given keyword on the reference.
SetAmbientParticlesEnabled Enables(1)/disables(0) ambient particles.
RemoveOutposts () Removes the given Outpost and all built items.
SetESRAMSetup Force specific ESRAM setup (-1 for automatic setup).
CallStackTraceDepth Set the callstack depth when tracing it.
CommandedActivated Commands selected actor to use a reference.
EnableGalaxyMode Enables/Disables galaxy mode.
ToggleStarFieldDebug Toggles the StarField debug on or off.
SetStarFieldCoordinateScale () Sets the StarField coordinate scale.
SetStarSystemScale (sss) Sets the star system scale.
MoveToPlanet If target player ship, move to or give path to pilot to (target) (1 to do full jump sequence).
SetOrbitSpeedScale Sets global orbit speed scale.
InstanceNamingRules Export instance naming rule data to file INRExport.txt.
GetOrbisModInfo Prints info relating to Orbis mod game data files.
ToggleSceneDebug Show debug state for scene.
SetFarClip Set far clip value. (-1 to clear override)
ToggleOverdraw Toggle overdraw
RecordScene Capture screen shots of scene. (Scene EditorID, [FPS 60 default])
LandOnPlanet (lop) Land on a planet. (lop )
TakeOffToSpace Take off to space.
PreviewBodyResources (pbr) Previews resources for a planet.
SendAffinityEvent (AffinityEvent [ObjRef]) Run an affinity event on an optional object reference.
AddPower AddPower (part) #
RemovePower RemovePower (part) #
MatlockCapture Force matlock to realize a capture.
ToggleSnapNodeMarkers Force matlock to realize a capture.
ToggleSnapNodeMarkers Toggle snap node markers.
SetVoiceType Set an override voice type on an actor.
AddWorldSpaceToPlanet Adds a world space to a planet.
DebugDataProvider Set the name of the UI Data Provider we want to debug.
LoadAll3D Load all queued 3D.
PrintAllMenus (pam) Print all active menus.
PrintAllInputContext (paic) Print the input context stack.
AddPlotToBody (AddPlot) Plot a route to this body.
ReloadFaceData Reload face data.
SetGravityScale Sets gravity scale on a ref's parent cell.
PreviewBlock PreviewBlock (blockname) (biome).
ExportTerrainTextures Export terrain textures.
ExportTerrainGrids Export terrain grids.
ExportTerrainHeightMap Export terrain height map.
ExportTerrainSplatMap Explort terrain splat map.
ExportTerrainMaterialIndexMap Export terrain material index map.
ExportTerrainFiles Export terrain files.
UpdateTerrainClipmaps Refresh Terrain Clipmaps.
ToggleDebugCamera Toggle debug camera (mode name)
CyclePrevDebugCamera Cycle to previous debug camera.
CycleNextDebugCamera Cycle to next debug camera.
ToggleDebugCameraControls Toggle debug camera controls.
SetImGuiWindowFunction (siw) Activate an ImGui window.
InvokeUIEvent Invokes a ui > c++ event.
HotReloadUI Hot Reloads the User Interface SWFs.
SetPosRelativeToRef Script function to set the position of the picked ref relatively to another ref (defaulted to the player).
FaceRef Make a ref face towards another ref (defaulted to the player), with an extra angle offset.
SetWorkshopItem Set the Workshop menu's Node Cursor to the currently selected reference, if any.
GenerateNavMesh Generates nav-mesh on the current cell.
LandOnPlanetAnimated Land players spaceship with animation.
startNewGame Command to trigger new game on main menu without UI.
ForcedBleedout Force an actor to enter bleedout.
ForceConditionFormTrue Force a condition form to true. args: FromID, (enable)0/1, (permanent)0/1.
ForceConditionFormFalse Force a condition form to false. args: FromID, (enable)0/1, (permanent)0/1.
LandOnPlanetBiome Land on a planet's biome. (lopb (planetname) (biome index) [(centered)0/1])
LandOnPlanetMarker Land at a marker on the current planet.
TestAllPlanets TestPlanets
ClearLinkedRef Clear a linked reference.
SetLocalTime Sets the local time on the current planet, optionally updating the galaxy sim.
ReloadMaterials Reloads all materials.
PlacementOnCell Test overlay placement on a cell. (poc (cellindex.x)(xellindex.y))
ToggleWorkshopFlyCam Toggle workshop flycam.
CheckBiomeMarker Finds uses in the loaded area of the given biome marker.
TestBiomePlanet (tbp) Creates a full planet set to use the given biome exclusively and puts the player there.
PreviewPattern PreviewPattern (patternname)(biome)
SetHavokDynamic Set reference motion to dynamic with optional mass in kg.
SetHavokKinematic Set reference motion to kinematic.
SetHavokActive Set reference havok activity.
SetHavokLOD Set reference collision lod.
SetHavokLinearVelocity Set reference linear velocity.
SetHavokAngularVelocity Set reference angular velocity.
SetHavokCollisionLayer Set havok collision layer.
SetHavokRagdollFriction Set havok ragdoll friction.
SetHavokParam Set havok param.
ShowHavokRagdollValues Show havok ragdoll values.
StartHavokPartTest Start/reset havok particles test.
StopHavokPartTest Stop havok particles test.
SetOrientation Set reference orientation
ToggleDebugText3D Toggle in game debug text.
ToggleBioOverlay Toggle the BI Overlay.
ToggleMetricViewer Spawn Metric Viewer
PrintMessage Print a message to the screen (print (message) (time) (clear previous messages flag))
AddDebugTest Add debug text to a reference (AddDebugText (debug text) (size) (color) (background color) (border color) (offsetX) (offsetY) (offsetZ) (pinned flag)
DisableActorPackage Disable or enable an actor's package (DisableActorPackage (0/1))
StopBatchFile Stop a running batchfile.
CenterOnSpaceCell Move to the specified space cell, optionally specify a ship.
DependencyGraphDump Dump Dependency Graph.
ToggleExperimentalShaders Toggles experimental shaders on/off.
SetTestPlanetAndBiome Sets a test planet and biome for interior testing with biome markers. (stpb [planetname] [biome form | biome index])
PassTime 时间快进
IsInvulnerable 刀枪不入?
ToggleImmortalMode 切换不朽模式 (生命值/耐力/魔法可以减少,但永远不会为零)。
ForcedBleedout 强制出血
LandOnPlanetBiome (lopb (planetname) (biome index) [(centered)0/1])降落在行星的生物群落上。
LandOnPlanetMarker 降落在当前星球上的一个标记处。
SetLocalTime 设置星球的当地时间
TestBiomePlanet (tbp) 测试生物群落星球,创建一个完整的星球,专门使用给定的生物群落并将玩家放置在那里。
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0000B730 开拓号 A
0002CC6C 剃刀叶号 A
001322D8 星星雄鹰 A
00180F18 星裔守护者 A
001E29E5 联殖监狱穿梭艇 A
00038B42 万德威尔 A
003A2E83 阿喀琉斯 A
0031DF00 深红舰队幽灵 A
0031DF60 深红舰队鬼魂 A
00322BE1 深红舰队幻影 A
002E7461 发现号 A
002CE40B 艾克诺 A
0021CEAD 伽利略 A
00147C8D 短剑 A
0038895D 星联警卫幼狮 A
0021C44B 长剑 A
001EB556 鲭鲨 A
000F2C63 马拉松 A
003A2E8F 骡子 A
00388965 星联警卫野马 A
0020C644 纳喀索斯 A
001E052A 皮卡 A
00042372 漫步者 A
003A2E6B 回应者 A
00215E9B 麻雀 A
000423AB 第一装甲兵团鞭挞者 A
003A2E5F 交通展 A
001A39A8 投石 A
000F31CE 浪游者 A
000F31C9 战马 A
0020AFD0 看门狗 A
003A2E71 温迪戈 A
000F3078 宙斯盾 B
001E0528 大卡车 B
0038239C 比列姆(无法操纵) B
002E753C 星联猎鹰 B
001A7F69 双髻鲨 B
000D5575 维护者 B
000F31C5 村雨 B
003A2E41 纳吉纳塔 B
0037F546 私掠者(无法登船) B
003A2E3B 翼手龙 B
0033A1C6 追踪者游骑兵 B
0021CEAB 罗阿诺克 B
000F31C7 谢克尔顿 B
000F2DBE 破盾者 B
000FAFE8 滑流 B
0036D871 太空公牛 B
003A2E35 星辰鹰 B
003A2E1D 太阳帆 B
00347145 商人货车 B
0018D3F0 联殖冲锋者 B
003A2E47 马拉车 B
000F31D0 热爱漫游 B
0002C88F 第一装甲兵团朱沃特 B
000F31DB 深渊旅行者 C
0038D65C 高速公路 C
0038D656 平民飞船 C
003A2E11 龙火 C
003A2E0B 杜拉罕 C
000F3076 独角鲸 C
0038234D 虎鲸 C
000F2E5B 静默跑者 C
0003CFB2 半星 C
000F31E4 据点 C
00001E9F 征服者 C
0003CF9C 追踪者维护者 C